Every person is on their own unique path in life. A journey filled with all different types of twists and turns and realizations and understandings but after a while, especially for the observant individual, certain patterns begin to emerge. These patterns cross the lines of time. Philosophers of old have done their best to pass this knowledge to us, and religions have done their best to hide it, but now in the age of information we are beginning to understand how magical this reality is.
These patterns I speak about can be referred to as principles, laws of nature, or rules of existence, but I simply refer to them as secrets. Secret because, throughout history, this information was only given to a select few. Whoever revealed these secrets were tortured to death beyond measure. That's how powerful this information is.
Secret societies have been disseminating this information to their members carelessly and instead of using it to create a better world these initiates used it to rape, pillage and enslave humanity. I would not disseminate this information unless I thought it was necessary and today, with many people struggling, I see no better time.
I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing by uncovering these Secrets for all to see. Perhaps I am committing some kind of Karmic crime. If I am committing a Karmic crime, it's one I wish someone else committed for me in my life. Pay attention. Don't just read what you see......FEEL IT in every cell of your body!
One pattern, one principle, one SECRET that crosses the lines of time is the idea that our beliefs can propel us to the highest of mountaintops or trap us in a prison of our own making. I refer to this in my book as Secret #2: Circumstances in life don't matter, it's our state of being that does!!!!
What this basically means is that our inner world is a direct reflection of our outer world. The better you feel the better you think. The better you think the better the decisions you make. The better decisions you make, the better your life.
Master your beliefs and you will master your life.
Our beliefs create our feelings, our feelings create our thoughts, and our thoughts and feelings lead to the actions we will eventually take in physical reality. What we expect to happen in life, usually does. This makes a person a "know it all" however it wasn't the fact that they were right, it's the fact that their beliefs created the reality they experienced. That's how powerful beliefs are.
In modern terms, the body is the joystick, the brain is the virtual reality headset. This reality is a simulation, that takes its cues directly from what we believe to be true about this reality. And if you believe you're a failure, you'll most likely fail. If you believe you're a success, you may fail, but since you believe yourself to be a success you will keep going. You will push forward. You will not quit. You will not be deterred. You will not be denied. And eventually, you will succeed. You see, failure and success are on the same road but success is sometimes further down the road.
The idea that our beliefs create our reality is nothing new, If you study Rudolf Steiner and many other philosophers of old, they dedicate much of their work to this idea. Jesus has said the kingdom of heaven is within. But what does this mean? How can this be used in today's day and age???
1. Stay positive. If you feel yourself down and out, clean your environment. Clean your office. Clean your car. Clean your room. Throw out clutter. Exercise. Weight train. Weight training releases greatness chemicals that may boost your mood instantly.
2. The world may seem like it's falling apart however, everything is always falling into place. Just give it time. For those who understand this, you will see the Universe working its magic at all times.
3. if something doesn't come to fruition, guess what?? This wasn't bad luck, this was the exact experience you needed to have to nudge you on your greatest path. The Universe loves a good heroes journey so when things are going wrong in your life, just know that if you stay positive and if you put your trust in the Universe. you will be rewarded in ways you never thought possible.
4. Take action on your excitement. You may think you can't do something then you try it and learn that you are more talented than you could ever have imagined. The Universe may test you and make it hard for you at first. Some will quit at the first sign of adversity but others who keep going will eventually be rewarded. For the people who keep going, something just clicks. It's nearly unexplainable at our current level of neurobiology but it takes a little while for brain neurons to make connections but as soon as those neurons connect, you awaken something in you, you never knew you had. You may find yourself trying to learn a skill to no avail only to wake up one day being a master of that skill.
Our brave scientists, those who speak truth regardless of pushback are beginning to see that we live in a world that is more beautiful and genius than we could ever have imagined. There are hundreds of mathematical principles, whether it be the mass of the hydrogen atom or Bohr's magneton, that prove the perfection of this Universe. We have periods of entropy or disorder but this doesn't lead to destruction, it leads to new forms of order. So this reality is constantly evolving to perfection.
Our lives are no different. We are always evolving towards greatness and the only thing that prevents greatness from happening is worrying whether or not it will happen.
Worry and fear ruin our inner state of being, but if you know that greatness has already been written in the stars for you, and nothing could prevent it, you will then have cracked a code that only a small amount of people on our planet have solved.