I used to think a miracle was someone hitting a home run in the 9th inning to win a game.
Although this is rare, it is not necessarily improbable. In fact, often times there is a 5-25% chance this happens depending on the situation.
When it does happen, people refer to this occurrence as a miracle. And they are not wrong! It can be considered a miracle..
Now, if we were to investigate the structure of physical reality, we would quickly find out that miracles are the natural order of existence, not just the rare occurrence. I'll explain.
There is very little proof physical reality was created by chance. Physical reality contains a genius but simple code that repeats all throughout nature. Whether looking at a spiral galaxy or a spiral sea shell, or the dimensions of the brain, or staring at the vivid geometrical pattern that exists on the face of a sunflower, this code, better known as the Golden Ratio, is the fingerprint of our genius creator.
Now, I can't tell you what physical reality is all about, however if any one of these formulas below were off a tiny fraction (10 to the 100th power) Physical reality wouldn't exist as it does in this current form.
-Abagadra's number
-Standard molar volume
-Unified atomic mass unit
-Mass of hydrogen atom
-Bohr Magenton
-Nuclear Magneton
-Proton Magnetic Moment
-Neutron Magnetic Moment
-Bohr Radius
-Fine Structure constant
-Compton wavelength of electron
-Rybergs Constant
I'll say it again, if any of these numbers were off the tiniest of fractions, this Universe wouldn't exist.
So what does this mean?
The Universe works in perfect harmony with itself. And if this Universe operates in perfect harmony, why can't we?
Well, that's a great question.
Perhaps we already do!
There are 7 repeating principles, 7 mindsets, what I refer to as 7 SECRETS of GREATNESS that when understood and applied will help you master your life and master this Matrix!
Over the course of the next month, I'll be introducing these principles as well as other tools that can be used to figure this world out so you can find yourself out of the maze and into the MIRACLE MATRIX!